Fokus pada Ladybird Readers level 4, sebagai buku untuk belajar bahasa Inggris tingkat SD, ini adalah memahami isi buku atau cerita melalui pemahaman hubungan antara gambar (ilustrasi), kata, dan kalimat secara mandiri. Anak-anak sudah pasti siap untuk memilih buku dan membacanya sendiri, tanpa banyak pendampingan.
1. BBC News: Tema Geografi, Alam, dan Margasatwa

BBC Earth: Dangerous Journeys
Sometimes, animals must make long or difficult journeys. They can do this to find food, run from danger, or have babies.

BBC Earth: Forests
Forests have been on Earth for millions of years. Lots of animals live in forests, and sometimes their lives can be very difficult.

Space is very big. It’s full of planets, comets, stars and asteroids. People have gone into Space and they have visited the moon!

Under the Oceans
Many animals live in the world’s oceans. Find out about animals that hide, animals that live in the dark, and animals with big teeth!
2. Tema Karakter Favorit

Alice in Wonderland
Alice felt very, very tired. She followed the White Rabbit down a rabbit hole, and met a caterpillar, and the Queen of Hearts!

The Little Mermaid
The little mermaid loved a young prince, but she knew that people did not love mermaids. Can the old woman of the ocean help her?

Sleeping Beauty
When a beautiful princess pricks her fingers and falls asleep for one hundred years, only one person can wake her up.

When Mulan’s father was too ill to fight in the army, his daughter, Mulan, cut off her hair and put on men’s clothes. She rode away from her village and went to the army, to become a great soldier.

One day, Geppetto made a puppet from a piece of wood. He called the puppet Pinocchio. Pinocchio’s nose grew long when he told lies.

Roald Dahl: Esio Trot
Mrs. Silver loves her tortoise, Alfie. Mr. Hoppy loves Mrs. Silver. Will Mr. Hoppy’s big idea make him brave enough to tell her?

Roald Dahl: The Magic Finger
“I have a Magic Finger. When I get angry . . . things begin to happen!” What will happen when the finger is pointed at the Gregg family?

The Pied Piper
Everyone in Hamelin was happy until the rats came. One day, a man went to see the mayor. “I can make the rats leave Hamelin, ” he said.

My Little Pony: The Pony Games
The ponies were at the Pony Games! Soarin hurt his wing. Did Rainbow Dash fly with the fastest ponies, or with her friends?
3. Tema Nonfiksi

Racing with Ferrari
A Grand Prix race is very exciting! Learn all about practice, qualifying, pit stops, and more with the famous Scuderia Ferrari team.
Ladybird Readers adalah buku cerita yang didesain secara khusus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan di sini, termasuk soal membaca, mendengar, berbicara, menulis, sampai berpikir kritis. Setiap buku sudah ditata sedemikian rupa agar memudahkan setiap anak untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Terdapat level yang dimulai dengan kata-kata pendek sampai kosakata yang lebih rumit dalam bentuk kalimat dan paragraf. Ide utama dalam Ladybird Readers ini menghadirkan cerita-cerita dari banyak karakter terkenal. Selain itu, ada juga pengetahuan-pengetahuan informatif yang tentunya ringan untuk dicerna oleh anak usia 5 – 12 tahun. Boleh juga dikatakan Ladybird Readers ini sebagai buku untuk belajar bahasa Inggris di tingkat SD.
Sumber: https://www.ladybirdeducation.co.uk/books/ladybird-readers/