Fokus pada Ladybird Readers level 2, sebagai buku bacaan Inggris SD, ini adalah Penguasaan Abjad. Anak-anak akan lebih mudah dapat mengenali kata-kata yang sudah sering didengar dan mampu membaca bagian pendek dari teks dengan pengucapan atau lafal yang jelas. Bagian Informasi Kata-Kata Bergambar pada halaman awal membantu pengenalan karakter dan kosakata yang sulit. Setiap halaman dipenuhi dengan Ilustrasi menarik. Selain itu, cerita dituliskan dengan penggunaan tata bahasa Inggris standar internasional.
1. BBC News: Tema Geografi, Alam, dan Margasatwa

BBC Earth: Big and Small
Some animals are big, and some animals are small. Some animals are fast, and some animals are slow. All animals are different!

BBC Earth: Mountains
Many animals have their homes in the mountains. The animals are clever, but it is difficult for them to live there.

BBE Earth: Hungry Animals
All animals need food. Some animals eat meat and some animals get food from plants, but it is not easy to find it!

Dinosaurs lived on Earth in the past. Some dinosaurs liked plants, some liked meat. Some dinosaurs were big and some were small!

Wild Animals
Wild animals do mot live with people. They live on the plains, in trees, in deserts, and in the sea.
2. Tema Karakter Favorit

The Gingerbread Man
One day, a little old woman made a gingerbread man. He jumped from the oven and ran and ran!

Superhero Max
Max was superhero with magic boots. Lady Rob and Ricky Rob wanted to rob banks. Can Superhero Max stop them?

Roald Dahl: James Giant Peach
There is a giant peach in the tree. James goes inside the peach. What does he find?

The Nutcracker
It is Christmas. The toymaker gives Clara a present. The present is the Nutcracker! Clara has a dream. She flies to Candy Land and meets the Sugarplum Fairy!

Powhatan is the Chief of a tribe. Pocahontas is his daughter. They live in a fine village. Then, English men came in big boats.

Peppa Pig: School Trip
Peppa and her friends went on a school trip. They had a big picnic, and saw some ducks. Peppa and her friends love school trips

Peppa Pig: Going on a Picnic
Peppa and her family went on a picnic in the forest. Peppa and George were hungry, but the picnic was in the car!

Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig’s Office
Peppa and George went to Daddy Pig’s office. They put stamps on paper, printed pictures, and drew with pens. They liked Daddy Pig’s office!

Peppa Pig: Daddy Pig’s New Van
Daddy Pig had a new van. Peppa and her family went on holiday in the van, but Daddy Pig could not find the right road!

Peppa Pig: Playing Football
Peppa and her friends loved playing football. Which team kicked the ball into the wrong goal?

Peppa Pig: In a Plane
It was the holidays! Peppa and her family wanted to go to the park, but their car stopped. What did they do? They flew in a plane!

My Little Pony: Pinkie’s Pies
Pinkie Pie loves making lots of pies for Rainbow Dash, but Pinkie wants to know . . . does Rainbow Dash eat her pies?

My Little Pony: The Camping Holiday
The ponies go on a camping holiday! They want to eat a nice supper. Then, the bugs come . . .

My Little Pony: Spring is Here!
The ponies must help spring to come, and there are lots of jobs to do. But Twilight did not have a job and she felt sad. What could she do to help?
3. Tema Nonfiksi

Great Trains
Trains take people on holiday, and to their jobs. There are fast trains and old trains. There are trains that carry things, such as cars and coal
Ladybird Readers adalah buku cerita yang didesain secara khusus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan di sini, termasuk soal membaca, mendengar, berbicara, menulis, sampai berpikir kritis. Setiap buku sudah ditata sedemikian rupa agar memudahkan setiap anak untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Terdapat level yang dimulai dengan kata-kata pendek sampai kosakata yang lebih rumit dalam bentuk kalimat dan paragraf. Ide utama dalam Ladybird Readers ini menghadirkan cerita-cerita dari banyak karakter terkenal. Selain itu, ada juga pengetahuan-pengetahuan informatif yang tentunya ringan untuk dicerna oleh anak usia 5 – 12 tahun. Boleh juga dikatakan Ladybird Readers ini sebagai buku bacaan Inggris SD.
Sumber: https://www.ladybirdeducation.co.uk/books/ladybird-readers/